

press release


The Cool Tool

Mission Statement


Want to trade links?

Every legitimate website should have a mission statement. What it is ... why you need it ... how to get one

For reciprocal link please first copy the html text in the box below and paste it on your site. Then email me at thecooltool@aol.com to let me know. We will then complete the reciprocal link.

Extensive Search engine optimization
We do best keyword analysis and use the results to do Extensive Optimization work on your Website to create thousands of high ranking competitive pages. From the analysis We get you 300 keywords best related to your business/website. Plus installation of a page server that generates these high ranking optimized pages; the server also updates them each month. With over a 1000 optimized pages, you will get a good boost ahead of your competitors in search results because for each keyword . .

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Internet Marketing Consultants
Free webmaster tools and resources including tips, articles, positioning in search engines, traffic boosting and help from professional internet marketing consultants..

LinkLeads.com - Advertise on other websites by exchanging links with similar sites. Join our FREE worldwide search engine and boost your visitor traffic today by receiving Link Leads.

Got a question? Visit the HTML Help forums

SearchBliss - Free web tools for the webmaster - The Developer's Resource. All free tools for web design, plus free website content and free webmaster resources.

Webmaster Resources 101 - this site supplies 1000's of resources for Webmasters and Web Developers! Tools for Commerce, Free Stuff, Tutorials, Articles, Multimedia, Online Tools, Promotion, Scripts plus more!

Click here to go to The Edge Webmaster resource page.

Webmaster Resources - affiliate programs, scripts, tools, tutorials, budget hosting, etc.

Webmaster Tools Central - A webmaster's directory of 1400+ tools and services to help build, promote, improve and maintain websites. Website graphics, java, editors, ASP, DHTML, online tools, PHP, flash, utilities, promotion, visual basic, tutorials, VRML, websites, XML and much more.

Interactive Web Site Tools and Community Software @ WhatHelps?
The Web's most customizable tools and add-ons: online community, message board, chat room, discussion lists, newsletters, web calendar, Knowledge Base, and much more!

Website Goodies - Free website tools and resources for webmasters.

Cool Tool For Your Website
Every legitimate website should have a mission statement on it. Here's how to create a cool mission statement for YOUR site ...